Hump Day! One of my favorite days of the week, I don't know why it's odd because it's the middle of the week. But in any case, it's one of my favorites.
So Wednesday is Welcome to... Wednesday - I will be writing many of the "Welcome to..."'s that I've heard over the years, that I've said - and most of them I have heard and said in the past year due to changes in location and occupation and state of mind, really.
Today will be a Welcome to Idaho in the Spring/Summer.
While all my friends and family on the East Coast - I was going to list the different places here, then realized yeah, East Coast pretty much sums it up - are enjoying 70 and 80 degree weather with lots and lots of sunshine, we here out in Idaho are "enjoying" 40 degree weather with minimal sunshine and snow - yes snow - every morning this week during "Spring Break" (even though it technically isn't even spring yet.) I have been told many things about the weather - 1. We will be in June and one day it'll be 60 degrees and the next day it'll snow - people like to remind me of this, sigh. This is not cool! I miss NY with all 4 seasons - real seasons, not those seasons that people in NC claim to get. 2. That after growing up in NY I should be used to snow and cold weather - people! Get it straight. Being used to the snow and cold is totally different than actually liking it - Yes, I'm used to it. But that doesn't mean I like it. I don't! That's why I was excited to move SOUTH to North Carolina where they get excited if they get an inch of snow. Oh well... I should "get used to it" - I'm stuck here for another 2 years, 2 months and 3 days - but who's counting, right? I should clarify... I love the people here - well most of them that I've encountered - just not a big fan of the place. If I could take everyone that I love from out here and transplant them back East that would be incredible. But I can't. So I'll enjoy them while I can. :)
Anyways, cutting this one short today because I gotta get to writing my workshop piece due on Monday. Have a great Hump Day and Welcome to... Wednesday! Tune in tomorrow for Throwback Thursday :)