Thursday, January 24, 2013

#11 - 20 Things My Future Husband Should Know about me

#11 - 20 Things My Future Husband Should Know About Me:

#11: January 24, 2013:
I cannot pull a real "all-nighter." It is psychically impossible for my body. My head, my body start to protest if I'm up too long, headaches, body aches, until I just fall asleep. Last night I couldn't fall asleep. (I often have trouble falling asleep, restless mind, usually. But last night was different. I was happy, content, kept thinking of all the reasons why I love him and then I just wanted to be with him.) I tried reading, that didn't work. I picked out a movie I thought I'd fall asleep during, saw the whole movie. Picked out another movie, same results. Then I looked at the clock and it was already 5 am. I thought, "Huh, I might actually be able to pull this all-nighter thing off." I didn't feel tired at all. Started watching episodes of a TV show I recently started. Then at 6:30 I passed out. And just like that, no more all-nighter. It is impossible for me, I always fall asleep, if even only for an hour or two.

#12: January 26, 2013: (Missed yesterday, due to migraines all day.)
Chocolate or Vanilla:
I will almost always choose chocolate.
Exceptions: Ice cream - chocolate chip cookie dough, cookies and cream, chocolate/vanilla twist - soft serve, rootbeer float, some sundaes. Not ice cream- pies, cheese cakes, some cookies
Favorite Ice cream ever: Chocolate Pretzel Crunch from Penn State Creamery - AMAZING!

#13: January 27, 2013: Camping
I love camping - real camping - in tents, with camp fires out in nature, the woods. It makes me feel alive. There is no technology to help you, entertain you. It's just you and nature. If there are others with you, then you have to entertain each other. Your days are determined by the sun. We should go camping at least once a year. :)

#14: January 28, 2013:
I cry when I'm mad, frustrated, really sick, sad, sometimes even at happy times. Sometimes I cry just because - sometimes my body needs to let go of all the tension and emotions built p inside me and I cry. 95% of the time all I need you to do is hold me in long hug and tell me that you love me. DON'T yell at me for crying or tell me I'm being childish - no matter what the reason is - and only ask why I'm crying if you truly don't know.

#15: January 29, 2013: Worry
I will worry about you - If we're apart, I will worry more each day I don't hear from you. I worry about anyone I care for. You might think that it's a bad thing, but really, it's good. For me to worry = to care = love.

#16: January 31, 2013:
I miss you.

#17: February 2, 2013: Family
My family means more to me than anyone/anything. I don't expect you to get along with them 100% of the time - I can't even do that. But it does have to be the majority of the time, or at least enough to be around them without me having to force you too. And they have to approve of you, mostly, So it's best to suck up to them. (My mom - the most important one to win over - will always accept bribes, especially if they come in the form of wine or chocolates.) *wink wink*

#18: February 2, 2013: Sundays
I love the idea of reserving one day a week to just relax and do whatever we want. It would make sense that this is Sunday - a great way to end/start the week, it can also change per each week's schedule. Sometimes it might be impossible to not do any work - especially while we're both in school. But it's nice to at least aim for.

#19: February 4, 2013: Help!
I don't ask for help very often, (in fact, I probably don't do it nearly as much as I should), so when I do reach out for help- in any way, small or big, it means that I really need it.

#20: February 6, 2013:
Because of all the times that I've been badly hurt, my heart has been broken, and all the time I've sank into depression, it takes me an extremely long time to be able to fully trust someone - months, usually 3, 4, 5 more? So when I (or I should say my heart) trust completely, 100%, do NOT abuse it. I am tired of being hurt after letting people in. If you hurt me in any way, you will pay for it and you will be sorry.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Things that my future husband should know about me

A new blog theme:

This will be a daily (or at least a couple times a week) blog discussing things that my future husband (whomever he may turn out to be ;) ) should/needs to know about me ... Some will be serious, some silly. Some spontaneous, some in reflection of what is going on that day. Some will be just short statements, others will be longer entries, stories even. But ALL will be TRUE ... And they will appear in no certain order (meaning the first is not necessarily the most important and the last is not necessarily the least important -they  are all important!) Stay tuned for more

#1: January 14, 2013:
I do not expect you to like all of the same things that I do - except football! You MUST like football - American football that is (as if there is any other kind that matters - ha!). But you don't have to like the same team necessarily. Rivalries could be fun! Just have respect for my team - Penn State. And accept that  if it comes down to it - I Will choose Joe Paterno over you! <3 Point of this being: you don't have to have the same interests, passions, hobbies, etc., just as long as you have some!

#2: January 15, 2013:
When given the choice for dinner, I will almost always chose breakfast, Italian, and dessert - in that order. Breakfast pizza and chocolate milk is the best choice for a meal, obviously, - all three! If you want to score brownie points - please note this down in your little "To make Kate happy" notebook. :)

#3: January 16, 2013:
All or Nothing -
When I say I love you, I mean it in everything. When I say I love you, you are the only one that I love in that way. When I say I love you, I love with all of my heart - not just part of it.
When you say that you love me, I expect all of the above to be returned to me.

#4: January 17, 2013:
I hate mornings. 9/10 times I'm grumpy when i wake up until I have coffee, 3/10 times still grumpy after coffee. It usually takes me a while to wake up. On the rare occasion that I am wide awake right away, I'll be extremely tired - almost zombie mode - later that day.

#5: January 18, 2013:
I am one of the most clumsiest people that you will ever know. I will fall on the ice, butt first. I will trip over my own feet. I will walk into walls, doors, and occasionally other people. I have been known to fall both up and down stairs - yes, you read that right. I will drop things - sometimes breaking them, unfortunately. But knock on wood - do it now! Quick! - I have only had one concussion (playing volleyball) and one broken bone (little toe - banging it against the table really, really hard). Although I have had several sprains, but those don't count!

#6: January 19, 2013:
I will ALWAYS be honest with you, and I expect the same from you - doesn't matter if it will hurt me or make me happy or what. Dishonesty hurts more than honesty and Dishonest people are my least favorite people.

#7: January 20, 2013:
I LOVE giving presents. Most of the time I get more joy out of giving gifts than I do receiving them. And I usually put a lot of thought into them, probably more than is needed sometimes. This, of course, does not mean that you don't have to give me any. It only means to expect lots of them.

#8: January 21, 2013:
Versions of my perfect day:
1. Outside. We wake up and have a huge breakfast. Drive to the football stadium for an awesome game in which our team wins. After the game we get bacon cheeseburgers (or pizza) and milkshakes. Then we find a little back road, park your truck and lie in the back staring at the stars.
2. Inside: We wake up to a big breakfast and just lie around the house, reading and watching movies all day. Your arms wrapped around me, whispering in my ear.

#9: January 22, 2013:
Joe Paterno will always be one of my heroes and one of my biggest inspirations. I will always look up to him and defend him. (RIP Joe Pa, 1/22/2012)

#10: January 23, 2013:
I love country music, well, all kinds of music just about. Real music at least, not rap. But most of the time I'll have country on. You don't have to like country (but it's a bonus) but you have to at least tolerate it, if only because I play it all the time.