Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Voice Thursdays!

So the Top 20. I love how I feel today because the "results" show is tonight, so this is before one of my favorites most likely goes home - it always happens! But here's some random thoughts and my favorite picks so far.
- Does Christina know how to wear pants while performing? WTH? Wait, just saw her "complete" outfit - What is with that? More importantly, What IS she wearing? Can't she just wear like a normal outfit while performing? I don't get it.
- Carson is still awkward for me as the host of this show, after what 5, 6 seasons now - just awkward.
- Adam shaved?! No - shave November, starting off fresh maybe? He's still hot though.
- Second Adam comment - I love how he always looks over at the other coaches after a totally awesome performance from his team. There's something cute about this. :) Like he's thinking: Yeah, that's right. That's my team!
- I love Cat (Kat?) but not that outfit she wore! Again with the no pants - Whatever happened to wearing pants? If I walked around campus with an outfit like that .... haha, we'll just leave it at that.
- I LOVE the line from Cee-Lo (from last week) - "Your voice makes me want to dream with my eyes open!" - I'm stealing it. Well, the last part at least - Dream with your eyes open. This is my life motto - what I'm trying to do right now :)
- Two people annoy me/ rub me wrong, something about them - Christina, always her, and Stephanie. Idk. Just not feeling them.
Okay so favorites:
Shelbie Z, Nic Hawk (I've joined the Flawk), Ray Bodreaux - LOVE LOVE LOVE him!, Will and the Jamaican Girl - what's her name? from Team Adam, Cat from Team Cee - LO, and Josh Logan from Team Christina. Anyways, looks like I'm Team Blake again - Go Blake!
That's it for this week. :)
Tomorrow is Reign Friday!

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