Thursday, April 3, 2014

A to Z Challenge - C

Today's letter is C ....

And I nominate Charlie Hunnam as today's feature Man Candy.
That is all I have to say... 
Who would you nominate for C? 
Come back tomorrow for my selection for D! 


  1. LOL I know a lot of ladies who would be right there with ya on that. Hmm trying to think of other Cs... Colin Wayne is pretty tasty in some of his pics like this one...

    Yes. I would not mind petting him for a little while. lol

    Happy A to Z-ing!
    herding cats & burning soup.

  2. I'm happy with need think of another C! I'll definitely be back to see who's next! (

  3. I'm all for C!!! Yay! What a wonderful choice! Yum LOL I can't wait for D. Please, please let it be who I think it'll be...please haha
